Working with Cintamani


"If you have a cintamani stone you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is not just a piece of dead matter. It is alive with energy. It will not put any negativity in you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it. And for some people it means releasing strong emotions, for some people it means releasing belief systems. For some people sometimes it depends on the carrier of the stone, so there are no rules of how to deal with this stone. You need to communicate with the stone. It is a living being, it’s not just a piece of matter. It’s a very intelligent guide that can help you go through a process, but know that the process can get sometimes intense." ~ Cobra

To work with the Cintamani it is recommended to simply have physical contact with the stone during meditation.

Important update (7/4/2024):
enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love. Solar plasma is still to a significant degree under the control of the Lurker, but at the heliopause the alignment process has already begun. Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it form the Lurker. You can help with this process by meditating with cintamanis or various tektites and connecting the star from where those tektites originated and this Solar system with filaments of Light."

It is not necessary to pair Cintamani with any other mineral, but should you ever choose to do so...

Best crystals to pair with Cintamani:

~ Aquamarine
~ Moldavite
~ Quartz (with the exception of Tibetan quartz)

Best metals to pair with Cintamani:

~ Silver
~ Gold
~ Platinum

Differences between gem grade (translucent) Cintamani and regular grade (opaque) Cintamani:

Basically the transparent stones are focused more on bringing higher energies and a little bit more refined, while the opaque stones are better for grounding those particular energies.

Further information about Cintamani can be found here:

Advanced technique:

Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. Blue Stones, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals:

 ~ ~ ~

"Debra: You have mentioned in the past that the Cathars used Cintamani stones to open portals. Can you explain why they were doing this and what purpose those portals served?

Cobra: Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and they were quite successful sometimes.

Debra: Would you suggest that members of the Sisterhood of the Rose use their stones to open portals like this?

Cobra: If they're capable and they are skilled enough, yes.

Debra: What skills would be required to do this?

Cobra: First they would need to have enough understanding, both intuitively and mentally, of how this kind of portal works. This is advanced work, it’s not for everybody."

                                                         Sacred Termas of the Cintamani stone

The time of suffering has passed. The time for peace is now upon us. The Great Masters and Architects of this planet knew that there would be a time of immense darkness here. So in their infinite wisdom they positioned certain fragments of Light, encoded with mystic energies, wisdom and knowledge throughout the world. These sparks of Light acted as time capsules of hope and redemption. Known as termas to the Buddhists, these teachings always reveal themselves at the right time. This is part of the fulfillment of an ancient Tibetan prophecy which says that there will come a time when the King of the world will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age:

The Cintamani stone in itself is a terma. But there exists lost teachings which can activate hidden potential of the Cintamanis and those teachings are revealing themselves now. What we choose to do with those teachings is up to us. Two of these termas will be shared here in the hopes that they may help to restore peace, balance and Love throughout this planet and in the hearts of it’s inhabitants.

These practices are based on ancient druidic white magic principles. In other words, they are religiously neutral. This magic is long forgotten methods of working with the natural world, so that we may truly embody our roles as Guardians and Caretakers of this reality. For the highest purpose. For the highest good of all.

Each day people actively inflict harm to others and to the planet, thus infusing the realm with more pain, suffering, sorrow and cruelty.
Therefore natural law permits certain counterbalancing measures to be implemented in order to balance out the destabilizing effects caused by such dark forces.
Those who are guided to spread kindness and help others, without expecting anything else in return have an ability to effectively perform the most profound miracles. Balancing of the planet’s energy grid is a 24 hour task, so at any moment during the day or night that you are guided to act as an instrument of harmony, Light and hope you may consider practicing either of these two Cintamani techniques (formulas):

* Blessing of a compassionate heart: Hold your Cintamani close to your heart (or third eye) in whatever way feels right. The intent of this blessing is to send Light to anyone suffering, or in pain/sorrow, but it is very important not to take on any of that suffering. Rather, we just send the blessing of the High Light and let the energy flow ~

You can take a minute (or a few) to just emanate blessings from your spiritual heart, into the Cintamani stone. The network of other Cintamani stones throughout the planet will then distribute the Light of your heartfelt blessing of purity and unconditional Love wherever it is needed. Helping to bring more peace, joy and Love into the very fabric of this existence.
The key here is to actually feel and KNOW in your heart that what you are doing here is having an impact on not only the physical reality but also the multidimensional reality of this existence. It can further amplify the effectiveness of this blessing to feel a powerful and unwavering knowingness in your heart that it is destined for all suffering, pain and torment to end throughout the entirety of this creation. All darkness and evil will be transmuted into pure Light. After sending your blessing, you may complete the meditation by chanting the sacred word OM, three times. Thus sealing the blessing into the ethers.

* Blessing of the peaceful waters: Since they are tektites, Cintamani stones act as powerful gateways which effectively connect us with both the healing, grounding energies of Earth and the divine energies of the Heavens/Cosmos.

Hold your Cintamani stone in anyway you are guided. Envision a beautiful place in nature, perhaps one of your favorite places that brings you to a state of calm and happiness.
Feel that peace and tranquility merge with and become one with the auric field of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, astral and mental bodies. Now feel that peace merge with and infuse into your Cintamani stone.
End the meditation by chanting sacred word OM, three times.

Now, remember this feeling and carry it with you throughout your day. As you carry your Cintamani it will be a reminder of this peaceful blessing which is actually with you in every moment, if we just choose to open the door to it. Cintamani stones are reflections of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence. If you get destabilized during the day you can try to remember to take out your Cintamani stone and reconnect with the ocean of inner stillness which mysteriously permeates these sacred ancient relics.
By first finding peace within yourself we will most effectively shift our outer reality into a similar state.

May all beings be happy.