2023 Cintamani planetary grid project update:
It is now time to begin burying Galactic Cintamanis. Galactic Cintamani is a sacred stone, directly infused with energies from the Galactic Central sun. From all stones currently available on the surface of the planet, it is the stone with the highest vibrational frequency, even higher than the regular cintamani stone.
Galactic Cintamanis came from a solar system near the Galactic center and burying them can assist to bring in the energy of Goddess Iona. Two main areas of focus for burying Galactic Cintamani are:
* Dragon leylines (Those Dragon leylines mostly follow main mountain ranges on the planet)
* the old Atlantean equator:
Besides those leylines, you can of course simply follow your inner guidance to determine where to bury Galactic Cintamanis.
Further information about Galactic Cintamanis can be found here:
Note: It is still important to continue burying regular Cintamanis as well.
Motherships of the Galactic Confederation create ATVOR pillars that descend down into the buried Cintamanis and purify the primary anomaly.